Let's Connect!

Live or Virtual Sales Training for B2B Sales Teams

Transform your mindset.
Reach your full potential.

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Make Profitable Hiring Decisions

Invest in Your Team

Experience Company Success

Your team knows the mechanics of sales.
Now, equip them with the mindset.

Your employees are your biggest asset.
Help them succeed.

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Your Mindset Drives Sales Success


Align your attention and intentions on the customer you serve. Start with WHY you are in business. 


Your CONVICTION and ATTITUDE drive your sales performance. Business is a game of ENERGETIC Engagement - Raise it.


Reconnect to your calling and leverage your strengths. Create buy-in to the VISION & the Mission! There is no inspiration in logic.

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Team Transformations

“Rhonda expertly helped me with a dilemma, bringing my awareness to alternatives I had not previously foreseen. She is an experienced business coach and one that will definitely augment and propel sales teams to reach greater potential.”

Marty Marston
Transformation Life Coach

"Rhonda established a training program for our new and existing sales reps. The material and training session were informative and interactive and gave our team the resources we needed to be successful in achieving our goals.”

Rose Wamback Becton 
Omega Bio-tek


“From many strategic think tank sessions with Rhonda, effective new tactics for gaining new clients were abundant. Rhonda is passionate and completely committed to her mission . . . all in! She certainly left me a better person both professionally and personally.”

Billie N. Bentley, MT (ASCP)
Regional Director, Business Development - Southeast

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Gain instant access to our exclusive guide.

        Group Training to Fit Your Team

        The Sell Well Series

        Teams of up to
        12 people 

        6 hour onsite - $1249pp

        5 Hour virtual - $1045pp

        Book My Training

        Teams of 
        13-25 people 

        6 hour onsite - $995pp

        5 hour virtual - $836pp

        Book My Training

        Teams of more than 25 people 

        Custom training available
        Book My Training

        The Sell Well Series training can be hosted live or virtually.
        Would you like to have Rhonda onsite? Schedule a call.

        What's Included


        âś“ Pre-Training Energy Leadership Assessment

        âś“ 30-min Energy Leadership Assessment debrief

        âś“ 6 hour on site with Role plays & SOP Manual template


        âś“Live Interactive Zoom Sessions with Rhonda

        Day 1 – 2 hours

        Day 2 – 2 hours

        Day 3 – 1 hour

        âś“ Sell Well Participant Digital Workbooks

        What is the Energy Leadership Assessment?

        The Energy Leadership Assessment reveals to each training participant how they show up energetically under normal circumstances and under stress. This information provides you with a metaphorical mirror of your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs, as well as the effect they have on your ability to engage, influence, and persuade in the sales and negotiation process.

        Forbes calls the Energy Leadership Assessment one of the eleven assessments every executive should take.

        How it Works

        1. Book Your
        Team Training

        2. Transform the Attitude & Conviction of your team

        3. Watch Your
        Team Succeed

        Book My Team Training

        Focusing on the Mechanics of Sales Keeps You Stuck


        I know that you want to be a confident sales leader. In order to do that, you need to be in control of your destiny and your ability to lead.

        The problem is, when you focus on the mechanics of task accomplishment without building high profit players who can lead on your team, you become stuck on the hamster wheel of grind. You do your job out of duty instead of love. You risk becoming complacent.

        We believe life’s too short to not do what you love to experience fulfillment. And serving people by selling well is FUN! 

        I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a sales career, which is why I combined my 35-year sales management career with mindset coaching.

        Here’s how it works: Schedule a consultation to determine where your team is and where you want them to be. Get coaching specific to your needs and put the FUN back into your work as you watch your team evolve into high profit players.

        The first step is to schedule a consultation with me. Move forward with a plan that supports your needs and increases your capability to lead & succeed with calm confidence. 

        Schedule a Consultation

        Many sales executives start out soaring, then experience a plateau in their careers when they’ve earned a certain title or income, or experienced a hailstorm that throws them off balance and leaves them feeling frustrated and uninspired.

        I coach B2B sales executives to transform their mindset so they can release the virtual chains that keep them stuck and move forward in uncertainty inspired with confidence, competence, and clarity to play full out in complete control of their destiny.


        (267) 272-2501


        Schedule My Consultation